I know it’s been a LONG time since I posted anything, but I still want to keep this blog up to date for my own personal memory. Since the last post I survived 10 months of pregnancy AND had our sweet boy, Quincy Ellis Rogers. I also finally graduated with my PhD, so now I am Dr. Rogers! Life looks a little different these days, but Aaron and I are still dedicated to loving travel and loving each other. Our hearts have just expanded a bit more (understatement!) to fit our adorable, sweet boy.

Now that it’s 2020, there are some significant things I want to change and conquer as a family. I am currently on maternity leave, so I have a lot of time to think up things I want to do when Quincy gets older and bit less needy. Some of these goals are quick and easy, but some take some more intentional planning. I’m quickly learning as a new mom that you have to be much more intentional about your time in order to get anything done! For example, I’m typing this during Quincy’s nap but I already hear him stirring so I know I have to finish this up quickly.

This post is just to say: Hello! The Rogers are still here and still in motion!
- Update blog biweekly
- Take pictures of Quincy every Friday
- Journal Quincy’s milestones
- Create a date night habit with Aaron
- Travel to at least two states with Quincy
- Pack lighter when traveling
- Organize household and purge unnecessary clutter
- Research new job opportunities to further my career
- Become more spiritual
- Establish a consistent workout routine incorporating Yoga
- Find a new hobby or two (or ten!)
- Attend more cultural events in Lubbock
- Become a better steward of MY time

What are some things you are looking forward to in 2020? Any particular goals you would like to share?
Hi, Aaron & Elizabeth Jean – I need your address to put on a box for Quincey. Robbie is into knitting and I had her do some fun things for him. Thanks